شرح خبر

سی و دومین وبینار شاخه فیزیک محاسباتی انجمن فیزیک ایران به یک سخنرانی تخصصی اختصاص خواهد داشت. دکتر هادی یارلو از Department of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University سخنرانی خود را با عنوان « تحول زمانی ادیاباتیک در حالت‌های برانگیخته » در روز چهارشنبه بیست و سوم خرداد ساعت هجده به سمع و نظر علاقمندان خواهند رساند.


Adiabatic time evolution of quantum systems is a widely used tool with applications ranging from state preparation and topological transformations to optimization and quantum computing. Adiabatic evolution generally works well for gapped ground states, but not for a generic thermal or (nonthermal) localized state in the middle of energy spectrum and in the absence of protecting energy gap. In this talk, I show that quantum many-body scars -- a particular type of nonthermal states embedded in an otherwise thermalizing spectrum -- perform similarly to gapped ground states with respect to adiabatic dynamics despite the lack of protecting energy gap. Considering two rather different scar models, namely a deformed AKLT chain constructed from tensor network formalism and a two-dimensional fractional quantum Hall model with anyons, we identify two alternative protecting mechanisms: (i) leakage out of the scarred subspace is suppressed by the "entropy barrier" between the scar and nearby thermal states, and (ii) the "spectral gap" instead of energy gap can serve to protect adiabatic evolution of scar states. By employing the argument of quantum speed limit in a wide class of scarring Hamiltonians, we show that the timescale for adiabaticity breakdown scales (at most) polynomially with system size. This is in contrast to the exponentially diverging timescale expected for a generic thermal or nonthermal localized state. While manipulating a single, isolated ground state is common in quantum applications, adiabatic evolution of scar states provides the flexibility to manipulate an entire tower of ground-state-like states simultaneously in a single system.

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نویسنده خبر: علی مسچیان
کد خبر :‌ 4069

آمار بازدید: ۲۷۷
همرسانی این خبر را با دوستان‌تان به اشتراک بگذارید:
«استفاده از اخبار انجمن فیزیک ایران و انتشار آنها، به شرط
ارجاع دقیق و مناسب به خبرنامه‌ی انجمن بلا مانع است.»‌

صفحه انجمن فیزیک ایران را دنبال کنید

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  • دانشگاه صنعتی شریف
  • دانشکده فیزیک دانشگاه تهران

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