Professor Anton Zeilinger has visited Sharif University of Technology

Professor Anton Zeilinger , a world-leading quantum physicist from the University of Vienna and Vienna University of Technology, and the President of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, has visited the Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, on September 8, 2015.

Professor Zeilinger has led numerous pioneering experiments on the foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum optics, and quantum information science, such as the first realizations of quantum teleportation and one-way quantum computation. He is also one of the physicists who proved the celebrated GHZ theorem ("Z" denotes Zeilinger), and the first experimentalist to realize this theorem in the lab. In the department, Prof. Zeilinger first visited the Quantum Information Science group (led by Prof. Karimipour), and had a meeting with the faculty members and students of the group. He also had a meeting with other faculty members of the department, and discussed potential avenues for scientific collaborations. This visit ended by a tour of the Laser research lab (led by Prof. Sadighi) and the X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy lab (led by Prof. Taghavinia)."

Credit: Dr. Ali Rezakhani, Faculty member of Physics department, Sharif University of Technology

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  • Institute for Reseach in Fundamental Sciences, IPM
  • Sharif University of Technology
  • Department of Physics, University of Tehran

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